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Orchestrator Tools 0.51.0 Release Note


The Orchestrator Tools simplify the management of the orchestrator.

This release note describes the changes of Orchestrator Tools version 0.51.0 compared to 0.50.0.

Orchestrator Tools 0.51.0 were released on December 3rd, 2024.

New features

  • Issue tools #45 Support of auto-completion for bash
    opentf-ctl now supports auto-completion for bash. This feature enables auto-completion for commands, options, and for dynamic parameters such as ids. More information can be found here.

  • Issue tools #136 Add a --having option to get workflows, allowing filters on workflow events
    A new --having option has been added to the get workflows command, allowing users to filter the list based on some specific workflow events. More information can be found here.