Squash TM 2.X Release Notes
Squash TM 2.2.2
Released on April 07 2022
- Security:
- Integration of the solution disallowed fields to correct the CVE-2022-22965
Squash TM 2.1.6
Released on February 21 2022
- Requirements:
- Wrong redirection of the [Back] button on the requirement versions page
- "Coverage indicators" unavailable without refreshing the page
- Issues:
- Slowness when displaying the "Report an issue" form
- Technique:
- Upgrade of Apache log4j library in version 2.17.1
Squash TM 2.2.0
Released on January 4, 2022
- Automation:
- Implement token authentication for results publication of automated tests
- New version for the following plugins:
Squash TM 2.1.5
Released on December 21st, 2021
- Technical:
- Upgrade of Apache log4j library in version 2.17.0
Squash TM 2.0.3
Released on December 21st, 2021
- Technical:
- Upgrade of Apache log4j library in version 2.17.0
Squash TM 2.1.4
Released on December 14, 2021
- Technical:
- Upgrade of Apache log4j library in version 2.16.0
Squash TM 2.0.2
Released on December 14, 2021
- Technical:
- Upgrade of Apache log4j library in version 2.16.0
Squash TM 2.1.1
Released on October 20, 2021
- 8744 Bad redirection with SAML 2.0
- The export of requirement search results (search page) is not functional for six profiles
- Loss of access to the list of jenkins Squash TF jobs (Apache httpclient library)
Squash TM 2.1.0
Released on August 26, 2021
- Source code sharing server:
- Token authentication to GitHub is now supported.
- Xsquash4Jira:
- Xsquash4Jira's configuration is now taken into account in project templates, which consequently applies to linked projects as well;
- In the library and in requirement's consultation pages, the synchronization status of the linked Jira issue (synchronized, unsynchronized, or deleted in Jira) is now displayed;
- An option was added to simulate a synchronization in order to view the number and details of the tickets it contains before adding it;
- A button was added to refresh the "Synchronizations" block on the configuration page of the Xsquash4Jira plugin;
- The display of syntax errors during the configuration of equivalences between field values was improved;
- Configuration of Squash reporting fields from Jira via the API.
- Test cases:
- Buttons were added to copy, paste, and delete test steps on top of the page.
- Reporting:
- BDD test cases are now displayed in editable requirement reports;
- Across the app:
- A button was added to clear the filters applied to the columns of certain tables;
- Selected projects are now displayed on top of the list in the projects filter;
- The display of tooltips was optimized.
- Administration:
- You can now delete a user who is the owner of a graph or report.
- View a test case's UUID;
- View a test case's linked fields to an automated script;
- The block does not update when you change authentication protocols.
- REST API Admin:
- New versions for the following plugins:
- Untranslated synchronization status;
- Requirement linked to milestone cannot be copy-pasted;
- In milestone mode, edit the content of the pop-up when deleting a requirement;
- The pop-up to add a requirement version is accessible but does not work for validating profiles;
- Exports from search do not take into account all filters;
- Missing [-] button in the lines of the tables "linked requirements" and "linked TC";
- Open the node after a drag and drop in the tree;
- Incorrect default sorting in the table "Test case verifying this requirement"
- Display custom lists and custom fields by alphabetical order in search criteria;
- Jira and Redmine manual synchronization: mistake in the message of the pop-up "Synchronization with…"
Test case:
- Change the icons at the end of the row for called test cases;
- In test cases prerequisites, a parameter's update is not automatically taken into account;
- Wrong delete message when deleting a test step requirement on a level-2 page of a test step;
- In the test cases search, missing tooltip for action buttons;
- BDD TC - Error when editing an action's parameters with blank parameters.
- 8749 Wrong execution URL in issues description;
- No error pop-up when starting an execution if the Gherkin Script does not have a scenario;
- When editing a test step in progress, the box "Linked to the TS" is not automatically checked when a requirement is linked to a test case via the search.
- When editing a test step in progress, the pop-up to unlink a requirement from a test step is non-compliant;
- For profiles who are not habilitated, the pop-up for deleting a test plan item in a suite appears but does not work;
- Error message to be renamed (Pop-up and execution page) in the pop-up to report an issue if the bugtracker is unreachable;
- Make the field boxes consistent in the pop-up to report an issue;
- Non-uniform highlighting of the border of the Date/Date and hour fields when hovering in the pop-up to report an issue
- Anormal behavior of very long test cases ID when searching a test plan item;
- Login dates/hours do not automatically update when changing from "To execute" to "Untestable" on an execution's page;
- The default value of the state of an iteration must be "Undefined";
- The button [Launch automated tests] only appears after refreshing the page;
- In an execution's "issue" block, The button to delete an issue appears but does not work for certain profiles;
- Drag-and-drop an item wrongly appeared as working for certain profiles;
- The pop-up to delete an ITPI in a campaign is not displayed;
- Long display time for the pop-up 'Execution history' on a large database
- 8746 [Report API] The report category "VARIOUS" is no longer supported;
- On a histogram graph, black bars appear;
- For reports, the field "Choose a tag" is displayed even if there is no custom field for tags.
- Boolean filter still displayed after selecting when creating a graph.
- Delete a link type between requirements is only appears after refreshing the page;
- The editing of the description of a custom list's option is not extended to objects;
- Wrong error message if login already used in the pop-up to add a user;
- The "Options" block columns of a custom field "Drop-down list" must not be sortable;
- Change "Bugtracker" by "Server" in the info message when deleting a bugtracker;
- The block "Authentication policy" does not update when you change authentication protocols.
Across the app:
- 8729 Squash TM's public URL is not taken into account everywhere;
- When changing attachments URLs, images are no longer displayed;
- The URL is not updated when you navigate from one group of anchors to another;
- Cannot navigate to an anchor group via the URL;
- Errors in the referential data when the user cannot view one of the filter's projects;
- The numbers under the anchors do not update automatically;
- Wrong redirecting from a link after logout;
- In the projects filter, the color of the checkbox's border of the "Name" heading is in the color of the "Requirements" workspace;
- Tooltip when hovering on a cell even if the value is not abbreviated;
- Delete the "Planned" option for the search via milestone;
- Criteria linked to the milestones can be viewed / are clickable in the list "Add a criterion" in the search pages in milestone mode;
- The library's action buttons are shifted to the right in milestone mode;
- Wrong redirection link to the documentation.
- Remove long comment errors in the full install script
- Script 2.00.0 passage too long due to icon upgrades
Squash TM 2.0.0
Released on July 1st 2021
Redesigned and modernized interface
Navigation bar:
- Access online documentation via navigation bar;
- Expand or collapse navigation bar;
- Switch to milestone/repository mode from navigation bar.
Navigating within the app:
- Navigate within pages via anchors;
- Access an object via its URL;
- Preserve the state of your tables (pagination, sorting, filters) when navigating to a level 2 page.
Consulting objects:
- New icons in libraries for quick information on repository;
- New tag pills on objects' consultation pages with main attributes;
- Have a quick view of content and objects links via numerical indicators in anchors;
- Display milestones linked to objects are in tag form.
Linking and drag and drop:
- Link objects directly from their consultation page using drag and drop;
- Add attachments using drag and drop;
- Move and reorganize objects more easily using drag and drop.
Sorting and filters:
- Modify libraries sorts from their action bar;
- Optimized filters in some tables' columns;
- Optimized secondary sorting in tables;
- Test cases status are now taken into account in coverage indicators.
Test cases:
- New managing interface for test steps;
- View called test steps directly from test case consultation page;
- Reorganized page for test steps details;
- Parameters and datasets now in the same table;
- Optimized display for additional information on BDD test steps.
- 8595 [Close] button on "Add a test step" in Squash
- Add test suites from library;
- Optimized display for "Campaign/Iteration Cumulative Progress" graph;
- New managing interface for execution scenarios on executions' consultation pages;
- Manage executions history in table.
- Criteria and results on the same page;
- Dynamic refresh for search results;
- Define a custom perimeter for your search (project, folder, group of objects).
- Optimized dashboards display according to the space available;
- Tooltip appears when hovering on different parts of graphs;
- Parts of graphs are translated into search criteria when you click on them to show their content.
- 8590 Display titles of charts without data in the Dashboard
- New interface for creating custom graphs;
- Unfavorite dashboards;
- New interface for campaigns custom exports.
- Navigation bar added to Administration Workspace;
- Reorganized categories;
- Optimized adding of users and custom fields;
- View installed plugins;
- Download previous log files.
- server.servlet.context-path can be used.
- All new versions of the plugins are compatible with Squash TM 2.0.
- Stopping a milestone not related to the project from linking to one of the project's requirements;
- Custom list description is not maintained during the export of requirements;
- "Category" column does not contain list code;
- Custom list description is not maintained;
- Useless columns in import template to be deleted.
Test cases:
- Number of issues displayed on the anchor different from number of issues in tables;
- Stopping a milestone not related to the project from linking to one of the project's test cases;
- Milestones linked to requirement regarding test cases by heritage not maintained;
- 8716 When creating an assisted test case, current milestone is automatically assigned;
- If CUF are mandatory in TC folders, TC creation by copy of requirements is broken;
- Mass modification impossible for a selection of test cases linked to a requirement linked to a "Locked" milestone;
- User without rights can see BDD test cases in search;
- Mass transmission broken if Gherkin and BDD are selected;
- Update of milestone linked to test case no longer automatic if moved to another project;
- Useless columns in import template to be deleted.
- Possible to edit a campaign linked to a locked milestone as well as its descendants;
- Non-automatic update on the progress of a test suite;
- Automatic execution status added in the execution plan;
- ITPI without executions disappear from "Mode" or "Executed by" sorts in search.
- Tester profile can wrongly see tests that are not assigned to them in the execution plan of a campaign;
- End date of filter in "Last execution" column is excluded from shown results;
- Datasets of test plans items can be modified even if the milestone linked to the campaign is locked;
- Sorting in some columns makes lines of search results disappear;
- Different display for requirements linked to a test case via a call in the execution pop-up;
- Sorting in JDD column does not work correctly on the search page.
- Impossible to download a custom export if only one custom field is selected in "Test cases".
- Milestone attributes appear when creating graphs or exports if milestones are deactivated;
- In milestone selection pop-up, project filter is not taken into account for reports.
- 8737 Description on a folder not registered
- Missing info pop-up if you try to modify an authorization when user number is +20%;
- Link to YAML documentation opens in the same page;
- Users from the test automatization server cannot add attachments;
- Change the error pop-up message if the duration of the retention period is not a number between 0 and 2147483647;
- Replacing "bugtracker" by "server" in server-deletion pop-ups.