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Follow testing activity in GitLab

The Xsquash4GitLab plugin is able to transfer information related to testing activity from Squash TM to GitLab. It allows the entire team to track coverage progress, execution progress, and user stories validation directly in GitLab.

This information is reported with each synchronization cycle in GitLab issues in a dedicated note.

Learn more

To learn more about coverage indicators configuration, visit the page Configure the Reporting from Squash to GitLab

When the reporting is enabled, Xsquash4GitLab automatically adds a note in each synchronized GitLab issue and updates it if necessary.

Squash reporting fields in Jira

Information included in these notes are detailed below. Each note has:

  • coverage indicators presented as rate and ratio;
  • an overall testing status;
  • a link to the matching synchronized requirement in Squash TM to see the test cases and executions details.

Coverage indicators

Redaction Ratio

This indicator enables you to see the progress of the test case writing. It consists on a rate followed by the number of relevant test cases (X/Y test cases). For a synchronized requirement, this rate is equal to:

Number of test cases covering the requirement or one of its children with the status Under review or Approved** / Number of test cases covering the requirement or one of its sub-requirements no matter their status.

If a requirement is not covered, this rate equals 0.

Verification Ratio

This indicator enables you to track the execution progress of the test cases linked to a requirement or one of its children. It consists on a rate followed by the number of relevant test cases (X/Y test cases). For a given synchronized requirement, this rate is equal to:

Number of test plan items linked to a TC covering the synchronized requirement or one of its children with a final execution status (Blocked, Failed, Untestable, Passed, Settled), only taking into account the last execution (or last fast pass) / Number of items linked to test cases covering the synchronized requirement or one of its children

Validation Ratio

This indicator enables you to track the validation of a requirement. It consists on a rate followed by the number of relevant test cases (X/Y test cases). For a synchronized requirement, this rate is equal to:

Number of test plan items linked to a TC covering the synchronized requirement or one of its children with a validated execution status (Passed or Settled), only taking into account the last execution (or last fastpass) / Number of items linked to a TC covering the synchronized requirement or one of its children with a final execution status, only taking into account the last execution (or last fast pass)

Testing Status

It's a synoptic field that summarizes the different possible testing statuses for a given requirement.
The calculation method is:

Writing Rate Verification Rate Validation Rate Testing Status
0 0 0 Not initialized
0 < Writing Rate < 100 0 0 Design in progress
100 0 0 To execute
All 0 < Verification Rate < 100 100 Execution in progress
All 0 < Verification Rate Validation Rate < 100 Not validated
All 100 100 Validated

Test cases and executions details

In the note, the Squash TM test cases and executions details part enables you to access the synchronized requirement matching the issue in Squash TM.

From this page, you can visualize the test cases and executions linked to the GitLab issue.
It allows the product owner, scrum master, and developer to see what is or what is not tested, and which test cases are passed or failed.

Tests details


To access test cases and executions details, it is necessary to have a Squash TM account with reading permissions on the project where the synchronized requirement is.