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Export requirements

Exporting requirements from the library

Squash allows you to export a tree of requirements in the .xls format. This feature is often used to save or mass modify data.

The export file's default name is requirement-export_yyyymmdd_hhmmss by default but it can be modified.

In the library, select the items you want to export (the selection can be continuous or discontinuous) then click on the [Export] button. You can select items from different projects.


You can export "rich text" fields with their HTML tags (to keep their formatting during a future import) by checking the Keep the rich text format box. This box can also be left unchecked to make reading fields easier in the export.

Links to test cases, to other requirements and between high-level and standard requirements will also be exported. They are respectively in the LINK_REQ_TC, LINK_REQ_REQ and LINK_HIGH_LEVEL_STANDARD_REQ tabs.

Importing requirements from an export

Squash allows you to import what you have previously exported. This is useful when you want to mass modify or mass restore data.

To import a requirements export file, please follow these steps:

  1. Export the selected items (projects, folders, requirements) to .xls format;
  2. Open the exported file and add the ACTION column in the REQUIREMENT tab. It must be in first position in the file and contain the values:
    • C to create a new requirement;
    • U to update a requirement;
  3. Modify as you want by respecting the syntax in each column;
  4. Import the new file.

To import new requirements to a new project or another location within the tree, you have to modify the REQ_PATH column.


If the description of the objects contains a /, you must escape it in the requirement path (in the REQ_PATH column) during the import.
You must indicate this with a \.
For example:
The name of the project is Project1/App and the requirement's name is Req1/Android. The REQ_PATH column must be filled in as follows: /Project1\/App/Req1\/Android.

Learn more

To complete an import file, consult the page Completing a Requirements Import File.