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Squash Orchestrator 4.14.0 Release Note


Squash Orchestrator is a set of micro-services to perform automated test execution workflows described in a specific format.

This release note describes the changes of Squash Orchestrator version 4.14.0 compared to 4.13.0.

Squash Orchestrator 4.14.0 was released on October 25, 2024.

New features

  • Issue orchestrator #556 Add endpoint to generate readable logs in observer
    Issue orchestrator #601/logs output} Tweak GET /workflows/{workflow_id
    A new endpoint GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/logs is now available to allow the retrieval of the logs of a specific workflow. This will be used by Squash TM 8.0 and above to show the logs in real time in the test plan section. More information can be found here.

  • Issue python-plugins #23 🔑 Update logs reports sent to Squash TM periodically
    The orchestrator will now periodically publish the execution logs in Squash TM. This should allow users to keep track of the progression of the workflow, especially when launched from a CI/CD. This should also help users to see the last state of a workflow if the orchestrator crashed.

  • Issue orchestrator #454 Find a method to upload files at the automated suite level.
    Issue python-toolkit #175 Add name property to upload action
    A new action actions/upload-artifact@v1 is now available to allow the publication of a file at the workflow's level. In Squash TM, the file will be published as an automated suite report, like the execution log. More information can be found here.

  • Issue micronaut-java-plugins #91 🔑 [Publisher | WorkflowCancel] The publisher needs to use new WorkflowCancellation message instead of WorkflowCancel
    Issue micronaut-java-toolkit #78 [Publisher | WorkflowCancel] The publisher needs to use new WorkflowCancellation message instead of WorkflowCancel message
    The WorkflowCancellation event introduced in the last release will now be used by the publisher. This will allow Squash TM to differentiate a user-initiated cancellation from a technical one. The status displayed will be respectively Cancelled and Error.

  • Issue premium-python-plugins #45 🔑 Technical errors must not stop the workflow
    In the last release, the open-source providers were changed to behave more consistently, in particular in the case of a broken test reference where we could have a different behavior based on the used test technology. This has now been implemented for the Ultimate providers (UFT, Ranorex, Agilitest, Katalon). A broken test reference will not stop a workflow anymore.

  • Issue python-toolkit #167 Add an environment variable to start allureCollector and resultAggregator services
    Issue micronaut-java-plugins #92 🔑 Reports sent after 5 min when allure services are stopped
    The environment variable OPENTF_ALLURE_ENABLED is now available to enable the Allure report generation. By default, the Allure report is now disabled. More information can be found here.

  • Issue python-toolkit #166 Enhance subscription features
    Issue squashtest-tm-staging #2636 🔑 Only subscribe to relevant messages
    Some improvements have been made on the subscription of plugins, most notably to filter the messages to which a plugin can subscribe. This means that every plugin should only receive the messages it is interested in, leading to an improvement in performance.

  • Issue orchestrator #606 Modification of the endpoint workflows?expand=manifest so that the timestamps are in UTC to resolve the 2-hour discrepancy in SquashTM.
    Issue orchestrator #608 Timestamps should be in UTC, with an explicit timezone
    Timestamps are now in UTC with the timezone explicitly set. This should fix the two-hours discrepancy displayed in Squash TM.

  • Issue orchestrator #588 Adjust the actionprovider plugin so that it can be aggregated
    The actionprovider provider is now added to the aggregated plugins like the other providers. It is now launched through the allinone service.

  • Issue orchestrator #591 Stop generating step status notifications
    The notifications have been optimized. Some of them were not used anymore, therefore they have been removed.

  • Issue orchestrator #585 Allow for group touch for agents
    A new endpoint PATCH /agents is now available. This is a preparation step for a new feature that will be available later. More information can be found here.

Bug fixes

  • Issue orchestrator #602 [Compatibility] Duplicate execution when using a Squash v6.x.x and an orchestrator v4.13.0
    An issue has been found when the orchestrator was used with Squash TM 6.0, causing executions to be duplicated. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #542 [ Playwright ] Special characters in grep on Linux are rejected
    Having double quotes around the test case name in the test reference used to break the execution on Linux. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #604 Functions in job hooks are not running as expected
    If a workflow contained multiple jobs and a hook calling a function, the arranger could break with an internal error. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #605 A workflow awaiting a ProviderResult event cannot be cancelled
    A workflow waiting for a ProviderResult could be stuck without being cancellable. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue python-toolkit #174 Error 500 if elements in the auth directory are not public keys
    When the folder containing public keys had a file from another format, some services could be stuck with an internal error. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #517 HTML report - Some filters do not work
    In some cases, the filter in the test case section of the HTML report was not working correctly. This has now been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #597 Unknown worker appears in observer when using generate report command
    After an opentf-ctl generate report command, the observer logged a few warnings about an unknown worker. This has been fixed.

  • Issue orchestrator #582 [Insight] NoneType error when there is any test result
    A workflow containing no test results previously logged a few errors from the InsightCollector. The log level has been adjusted to improve the logs.

  • Issue orchestrator #599 "Cache filled" message published by the quality gate when a workflow contains no testResults
    When calling the qualitygate with a workflow containing no test results, the qualitygate will now log a new message indicating that no test cases were found.