API REST Plugin Release Notes
Released on 2023/03/07
Compatible with Squash TM 5.X
- Modify the "Eligibility for Automation" and "Automation priority" fields of a test case
- Modify the automation status of a test case
- Code 200 and payload of a GET on a DELETE that should return a 405 error
- GET requirement folder content: the values of the '?include' parameter are not mentionned in the documentation
- It is possible to modify a test step binded to a locked milestone
- Incorrect error message when creating a requirement in a folder
- Error message in English can be improved when deleting an action word
Released on November 9, 2022
Compatible with Squash TM 4.1
- Modify the custom fields of an execution
- Prevent the modification of denormalized custom fields (linked to the test case) of an execution
- 8977 Error on a screenshot of the documentation - Get test cases of project
- 8959 REST API documentation for Create Iteration has incorrect return text
- 8935 Typo on the documentaiton in Modify iteration
- It is possible to apply an unauthorized optional status on an execution step
- Error in the URL to create a requirement version in the documentation
- Information required to create a user does not match the information required in the UI
Released on July 28 2022
Compatible with Squash TM 4.0
- Compatibility with Squash TM 4.0
- Add and delete a link between a test case and a requirement
- Get, add and delete a link between a test step and a requirement
- Add and modify automated script fields of the test case
- Get, add and delete user permissions
- Filter on projects or project templates when getting all projects
- Add an automated test technology
- Add and modify a requirement version
- Harmonize URL to link a test case to a requirement:
- Former endpoint: /requirements/{ids}/coverages with a "testCaseIds" parameter with the ids of the test cases to associate
- New endpoint: /requirements/{ids}/coverages/{testCaseIds}, e.g.: /requirements/2/coverages/24,26,27
- Get requirements, test cases and campaign tree structures
- Nullpointer at GET requirement on a high level requirement
- Activate and deactive a user is not complete
- 8679 Get only the projects on which the user is authorized when getting all projects
Released on April 7, 2022
Compatible With Squash TM 3.X
- Get requirement folder content: unable to display high-level requirements
- Nullpointer at Get requirement on a high level requirement
- Path not filled at GET requirement on a high level requirement
Released on December 17, 2021
Compatible With Squash TM 3.X
- GET iteration and tests suite UUID
- Add API documentation links in the "Help" menu of the navigation bar
- 8787 Link with a model isn't taken into account when creating a project
- 8790 Impossible to create a user from TestAutomationServer group via REST API
- Wrong code and no error message when editing the 3 Squash AUTOM fields of a test case
Released on August 26, 2021
Compatible with Squash TM 2.1
- View a test case's UUID;
- View a test case's linking fields to a script.
- Cannot create a BDD test case with a test step.
Released on July 1st, 2021
Compatible with Squash TM 2.0
- Compatible with Squash TM 2.0