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Configure a Project

To configure a project, in the Administration workspace, click on the Projects submenu. Click on your desired project to display its consultation page.


Only an administrator or project leader can configure a project.

The Information anchor Information enables you to set and view the project's overall data.

Project Information

Configure a Bugtracker

You can configure the link with the bugtracker from the Bugtracker anchor Bugtracker.

To configure a bugtracker for a project, the corresponding server must be declared beforehand by an administrator in the Servers submenu. Then, you can select the bugtracker in a drop-drown list to associate it with the project.

In the Name of the project field, enter the name of the project as it is configured in the third-party tool. Make sure that the name is spelled correctly, with the correct uppercase and lowercase letters. In this field, you can associate multiple projects if you want. When reporting issues, you can choose the project in which the issue must be reported.

Configure a bugtracker in Squash


For some bugtrackers such as GitLab and Azure DevOps, the Name of the project field is replaced by Project path:

  • for GitLab, you must enter the project path as it appears in the URL, and replace the spaces by -, e.g. <group-name or owner-name>/<sub-group-name>/<project-name>;
  • for Azure DevOps, you must enter the project path and keep the spaces, e.g. <organization-name>/<project name>.


During the execution, if the name of the project entered does not exist, or if it is spelled incorrectly, an error message appears when you report an issue.

Learn More

To learn more about how to create a bugtracker server, please visit the page Manage bugtrackers and synchronization servers.

Configure an Artificial Intelligence server


This feature is only available with an active Ultimate license.

Associate AI server

You can associate an artificial intelligence server with a project, in order to generate test cases from a requirement. To do this, select the server to associate from the drop-down list.


To learn more about configuring an artificial intelligence server, please visit the page Manage an artificial intelligence server.

Manage Project permissions

You can manage a project's permissions from the Clearance anchor Project permissions. You can give permissions to users or teams on the project.

Manage project permissions

The button Remove permission enables you to remove one or multiple permissions on the project.

You can edit user or team profiles directly in the table by clicking on their profile.

Modify project permissions

A user or team can have different profiles for different projects.

Learn More

To learn more about different profiles and permissions of Squash workspaces, please visit the page Give permissions.

Define Execution preferences

To activate some features regarding test case executions, click on the Execution anchor Execution preferences:

  • Authorize the modification of test cases during their execution;
  • Activate/Deactivate the execution status "Untestable";
  • Activate/Deactivate the execution status "Settled".

Only the status "Untestable" is activated by default.

Execution preferences

Configure the Project's Automation

The project's configuration for test automation is described in a dedicated page.

Customize the Project

Custom Fields

You can manage custom fields from the anchor Custom fields Custom fields.

Table - Associate custom fields

To associate custom fields with a project, you must first create them in the Administration workspace > Entities.

In the table, you can see the custom field's name, type, whether it is optional or mandatory, and the entity with which it is associated.

To associate a custom field with the project, click on the button Add. In the pop-up, select the entity and the custom field you want to associate. From there, you can associate multiple custom fields to one entity.

Associate custom fields

One custom field can be associated with multiple entities. Custom fields can be associated with:

  • in the Requirements workspace:

    • requirement folders;
    • requirements.
  • in the Test cases workspace:

    • test case folders;
    • test cases;
    • test steps.
  • in the Campaigns workspace:

    • campaign folders;
    • campaigns;
    • iterations;
    • test suites;
    • executions;
    • execution steps.

To dissociate one or multiple custom fields for a project, click on the button Dissociate.

Learn More

To learn more about how to create a custom field, please visit the page Manage Custom Fields.

Information Lists

You can manage information lists from the Information lists anchor Information lists.

Information lists block

To associate information lists with a project, you must first create them in the Administration workspace > Entities.

An information list can be associated with the Category field of requirements, and Nature and Type fields of test cases. Once the list is associated with the project, in your desired workspace, the values of the field you have chosen will be those of the information list. If you have assigned icons to the values of the list, they will appear in the object's Information block.

Requirements information list

When an information list is associated with a project, the values previously entered are not saved. The default value of the selected list will appear in the field for all the relevant objects.

Learn More

To learn more about how to create information lists, please visit the page Manage information lists.

Associate Milestones to a Project

You can associate milestones to a project from the Milestones anchor Milestones.

Table - Associate Milestones


To associate a milestone with a project, the milestone's status must be "Planned", "In progress", or "Finished".

Associate Milestones with the Button [+]

You can associate one or multiple milestones (already created) via the button Add. From the associate pop-up, you can use the search feature. Milestones are organized by scope.

Pop-up - Associate milestones

Associate Milestones with the [Create] Button

If the milestone is not created yet, you can still create it directly from the block using the [Create] button at the top of the table. From the Add a milestone pop-up, you can then directly associate the milestone you created with the project by clicking on the [Create and associate] button. The created milestone's default status is "In progress".

Create and associate a milestone

Dissociate Milestones

To dissociate one or multiple milestones from a project, click on the button Dissociate available at the end of each row or above the table.

After it has been dissociated, the milestone is no longer associated with the project nor the project's objects. The Used column indicates if the milestone is associated with objects of the project.

Learn More

To learn more about how to create milestones, please visit the page Manage a Milestone.
To learn more about how to associate a milestone with an object, please visit the page Associate a Milestone with an Object.