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Squash TM 4.X Release Notes

Squash TM 4.1.0

Released on November 9, 2022


  • Requirements:

    • Modification and optimization of the query of the "Validation by criticality" chart (previously known as "TC validation by criticality) on the requirements default dashboard
  • Test cases:

    • Display Squash AUTOM fields on the whole width of the page when Jira Automation Workflow is enabled
  • Automation:

    • Associate environment variables to a Squash AUTOM test automation server
    • Define environments variables default values for Squash AUTOM test automation servers and projects
    • Select the environment variables value when running automated tests with Squash AUTOM
    • View environment tags and environment variables on an execution and automated suite page
  • Administration:

    • Create and manage environment variables
  • Transverse:

    • Support of OAuth 2 protocol for Squash-Jira communication
    • 9011 Performance optimization of search results display


  • Requirements:

    • A test case is displayed multiple times on a high-level requirement print page if it is associated with multiple standard requirements linked to the high-level requirement
    • Delete the "Add a new version" option from the consultation page of a requirement version
    • A list with "At least one" and "None" is missing for the "Type of link" criterion
    • 9009 Impossible to modify the version number of a requirement linked to a test case via import
    • 8988 Slow display of the requirement dashboard
  • Test cases:

    • The Squash automation status is displayed on the test cases print page instead of the Jira automation status
    • The pop-up window is empty when transmitting a test case if the Jira automation workflow is enabled without a configuration
    • 8916 The parameters and datasets are not displayed in the correct order on the test cases print page
    • Impossible to import test cases with a UTF8 encoding
    • 9009 Impossible to modify the version number of a requirement linked to a test case via import
    • 9018 The scrollbar is blocked when selecting a dataset
    • The filter on BDD action words suggestions freezes when a lot of projects are selected
  • Campaigns:

    • 8987 Impossible to delete a campaign folder
    • The button to modify a test case during an execution is not displayed in the execution pop-up when the test case name is too long
    • Display issue on a campaign dashboard when there is no favorite dashboard anymore
    • 9007 In milestone mode, test cases not linked to the milestone but associated to requirements linked to the milestone can be added in a test plan
    • Error when downloading an automated test report with a comma in its name
    • The number on the "Automated suites" anchor is not updated automatically
    • Layout issue on an execution page when the test case description has a Jira code block
    • A "tester" can see/run automated tests not assigned to them in the supervision pop-up
    • 9017 Error when resuming tests execution if a filter is applied on the execution plan
    • 8914 For automated tests, only success, failure and ready statuses are taken into account in the 'Test cas status' chart
    • Some profiles can display the "Run automated tests" options
  • Issues:

    • Epics of parent groups are not displayed in the "report an issue" pop-up with GitLab Bugtracker
    • Continuous loading when creating an issue with an attachment too large with GitLab Bugtracker
  • Reporting:

    • 8900 "Between" filter causes an error when modifying a custom chart
    • Increase the clickable area when to select a report perimeter
    • 8933 In english, modify "Select Campaigns" by "Select all campaigns" in the "Execution progress" report
    • The tag field is partly hidden with Firefox for editable and pdf test cases and requirements reports
    • The list of selected projects is not truncated on the reports page
    • 8982 The checkboxes to link a requirement to a test step are partially truncated on the test step details page
    • Selecting a scope other than a campaign causes inconsistencies when generating the "Execution progress" report
    • The campaigns custom export does not take into account the test cases not executed when the "Last execution" option is selected
    • Error when a "Project leader" or "Test referee" modifies a report or custom export name
    • The report name is not emptied when switching to another report
  • Administration:

    • Impossible to delete a project because of persistant links with milestones
    • Columns are not aligned with their values on the link between requirements management workspace
    • Continuous loading and error when modifying a username with a name too long
    • Updating the observer URL does not refresh the Squash AUTOM test automation server page
    • 8786 No authentication required for a project leader when adding a job
    • 8999 The Jenkins credentials of a test project leader overwrite the Jenkins credentials on the test automation server page
    • Rebalance the columns size on the Milestones anchor of a project
    • Incorrect error messages and icons when deleting one or several repositories
  • Transverse:

    • Dashboards are not displayed anymore when coming back from a search page
    • The placeholder "••••••" is not displayed in the password field of a bugtracker after saving it on "My account" page
    • In English, on an error notification, the close button is mixed up with the text
    • The perimeter tooltip is not truncated on the search pages
    • Add a tooltip on the [+] button to associate a milestone
    • Multiple tooltips adding
    • Multiple corrections on the internationalization files
    • Impossible to authenticate via SAML if the port 80 is blocked
  • Technical:

    • 8983 Error if the database scheme is not on public when running a script on a PostgreSQL database

Squash TM 4.0.2

Released on September 5, 2022


  • Automation:
    • 8976 Profiles other than administrator do not have access to automated environment tags

Squash TM 4.0.1

Released on August 29, 2022


  • Campaigns:

    • Persistence of the automated execution submenu after clicking on the [Run automated tests] button
    • [Confirm] button in automated execution supervision pop-up is not clickable for Jenkins servers
    • Supervision pop-up is broken when running an automated test case with multiple datasets
  • Administration:

    • Unable to change the role of a user if at least one LDAP user is connected

Squash TM 4.0.0

Released on July 28, 2022


  • Requirements:

    • High-level requirements taken into account in default and custom dashboards
    • Import/Export of high-level requirements
    • Convert a high-level requirement into a standard requirement
    • Add a "Last execution" column in the "Test cases verifying this requirement" table
    • Add a "Coverage" indicator in the "Coverage indicators" block
  • Test cases:

    • Keep the previously selected keyword when adding a new BDD step
    • Add the "No test step/Has test steps" information in a BDD test case tooltip
    • Copy/Paste a BDD test step
    • Filter by project BDD actions suggestions
    • Choose between creating a new action and linking it to an existing one when adding or modifying a BDD test step
    • Add a case-insensitive action in the Action Words Workspace
    • Bulk modification of "Automated test technology" and "URL of the source code repository" test case fields from test cases search page
    • Add a "None" value in the automated test technology list for a test case
    • Test setup/teardown support in the .robot files generated from BDD test cases
  • Campaigns:

    • Only the filtered ITPI are taken into account when mass running tests
  • Issues:

    • Mantis REST Bugtracker Connector (replaces the existing Mantis SOAP Bugtracker Connector)
    • Export "Known issues" tables
    • Do not display the same issue twice in the "Known issues" tables and in the "Iteration and Campaign report"
    • Display the issue status in the execution steps
  • Reporting:

    • Editable requirement report revamping
    • Editable test case report revamping
    • High-level requirements taken into account in the editable requirement report
    • Add an option to print folder information in the editable requirement and test case reports
    • Add an option to print associated test cases in the editable requirement report
    • Add an option to links between requirements in the editable requirement report
    • "Equal" filter no longer case-sensitive in custom charts
    • Unselect a workspace when displaying a favorite dashboard
    • Export only the last execution for each ITPI in the campaign custom export
    • Display images in editable reports
  • Automation:

    • Define default environments for Squash AUTOM test automation servers and projects
    • Select the execution environment when running automated tests with Squash AUTOM
  • Administration:

    • Configure the BDD action words case-sensitivity
    • Display inactive users in gray in the administration tables
    • Automatically select an element after its creation
    • Export the "Users" table
    • Export the "Projects" table
    • Display the license information
  • Transverse:

    • Save modifications when clicking outside a "dropdown list" field
  • Xsquash4Jira:

    • Limit permissions of Xsquash4Jira synchronizations
    • Add project_id and project_name fields in the API GET synchronization response
    • Reduce the volume of logs about Jira reporting by modifying the logger level from warn to debug
  • Xsquash4GitLab (new plugin):

    • Synchronize GitLab issues as requirements
    • Display coverage and testing indicators in GitLab issues

    • Add and delete a link between a test case and a requirement
    • Get, add and delete a link between a test step and a requirement
    • Add and modify automated script fields of the test case
    • Get, add and delete user permissions
    • Filter on projects or project templates when getting all projects
    • Add an automated test technology
    • Add and modify a requirement version
    • Harmonize URL to link a test case to a requirement:
      • Former endpoint: /requirements/{ids}/coverages with a "testCaseIds" parameter with the ids of the test cases to associate
      • New endpoint: /requirements/{ids}/coverages/{testCaseIds}, e.g.: /requirements/2/coverages/24,26,27
    • Get requirements, test cases and campaign tree structures
  • Admin REST API:

    • Get, add and delete links between a Squash TM project and bugtracker projects
    • Add a 'squashAUTOM' test automation server
    • Get and configure a server 'token' credentials
    • Choose whether to clone or not a repository when adding it
  • Technical:

    • Install plugins in subdirectories of the install directory


  • Requirements:

    • Obsolete requirements are not filtered in the coverage indicators of a high level requirement
    • In milestone mode, the coverage indicators of a high level requirement take into account the requirements not linked to the milestone
    • Impossible to create a new requirement version with import, after created a child requirement with the same import
    • Conflict between a requirement and a folder, a requirement can be seen as a folder in some cases
    • When exporting requirements from the search page, only the main tab is filled, other tabs are always empty
    • "Donuts" charts' tooltips are truncated when the dashboard page is not expanded
    • "Milestone" and "High level requirement" attributes are in the wrong place on a standard requirement's print page
    • Incorrect known issues count for a high level requirement
    • Standard requirement path not displayed when hovering the project in the "Standard requirements linked to this high-level requirement" block of a high level requirement
    • Impossible to print a requirement if there are issues attached to it and the user is not connected to the bugtracker
    • Wrong link to redirect to a high level requirement from the search page
    • When a standard requirement is turned into a high level requirement, it is moved out of a project in the library
    • Test cases from other requirements can be displayed in the "Test cases verifying this requirement" block of a high level requirement
  • Test cases:

    • Error when viewing or transmitting a Robot Framework BDD test case if a dataset is defined, but no parameters are in the steps
    • The "action" field of a BDD step does not save or close automatically when clicking out
    • The online help for the "Automated test reference" field is incorrect
    • Test case name not truncated in "Test case called by"
    • Icon in the library not updated automatically when pasting steps
    • "Automated test technology" field not automatically filled for Cucumber
    • Bad management of string containing only digits in Cucumber BDD test cases
    • Fixed and variable parts of an action are not in the right order when adding a BDD step with a H2 database
    • "Verified requirements" default sorting is incorrect
    • 8617 Wrong parameter values if several parameters have the same name when calling a test case
    • Impossible to view an action details when creating the action from a BDD test case without refreshing the page
    • In milestone mode, with a locked milestone, gray out the "Add a new version" option when the test case is linked to a locked milestone
    • In milestone mode, with a not locked milestone, it should be possible to create a new test case version even if it is linked to a locked milestone
    • The formatting is lost when the steps are displayed in collapse mode
  • Campaigns:

    • The test suites list is not in alphabetical order in the "Modify the attributes" pop-up
    • 8909 Impossible to delete a campaign linked to a "In progress" or "Finished" milestone
    • An error message is not displayed if we type a campaign/iteration end date anterior to the start date on the keyboard
    • 8826 Impossible for a campaign and an iteration to have the same scheduled/actual start/end date
    • Rich text custom fields are not displayed properly in the execution pop-up when they have a long text
    • 8840 Impossible to delete a campaign or iteration containing a automated suite
    • The "Status" sorting order is incorrect in the ITPI search page
    • 8847 "Real vs planned progress" misleading depending on the scheduled and actual dates
  • Issues:

    • 8874 Displayed fields incoherent with the ticket type in the "Report an issue" pop-up with Jira
    • 8929 Issues reported on Redmine are linked to the wrong tracker
    • 8852 Various delays in the "report an issue" form with Jira Server
  • Reporting:

    • In campaign custom export, empty custom fields are not all valued with 'n/a'
    • When a report is generated from a tags selection, I can see all projects, even if I am not authorized
    • Impossible to generate a campaign custom export which has custom fields associated with test cases and test steps
  • Administration:

    • 8851 Impossible to delete a project if it is in a project filter
    • Error when deleting a source code management server used by test cases
    • 7775 port used to communicate with Squash Orchestrator cannot be configured
    • 8928 Impossible to delete a project if it contains action words
    • Display issues when modifying the bugtracker type with another authentication protocol
  • Transverse:

    • Prefix in the name of the requirement and test case import report is added twice
    • In the requirement and test case import report, the number in the LINE column does not match the line number in the file
    • Wrong icon for a dashboard displayed from a custom selection
    • Issues with English translation
    • Image size not included in the tooltip when hovering a milestone name
    • Rich text custom fields are stripped of their default value when creating an object
    • Problem displaying and refreshing the dashboard page of a milestone
  • Technical:

    • 8845 Some DEBUG log lines appear in INFO
    • When an administrator modifies a user group, the user previous group is still applied on their session if they were logged on when the group change occurred
