Squash TM Main Configuration
This part is about Squash TM's main configuration, especially when it comes to its access port and the properties of the configuration file squash.tm.cfg.properties.
Change Squash TM's Access Port
You can change the server's default port in the file \bin\startup. Search for the following line and replace port 8080 by the port you want:
set HTTP_PORT=8080
Please note that the system will not verify that the chosen port is available. Thus, make sure that it is the case by contacting the system administrator.
Squash TM's Configuration File
In Squash TM's configuration file conf/squash.tm.cfg.properties, you can configure various properties.
All changes made to the configuration file squash.tm.cfg.properties must be saved. You must restart the app for them to be taken into account.
By default, Squash TM's session timeout is set on 1 hour. If a user logged into Squash does not do anything, they are logged out after an hour. To extend or shorten this period, change the following property by inserting another value in seconds:
You can change Squash TM's context path by adding the following property with a new context:
Following this change, Squash TM users can log in by entering this URL in their browser: <squash-base-url>/test
By default, the connection poolsize for the database is set at 20. You can increase it by uncommenting the line after modifying the value:
spring.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize = 20
By default, the connection timeout for the bugtracker is set at 15 seconds. To change it, enter a new value, then save the file:
By default, the display of the configuration panel to activate/deactivate error details is hidden in the page 'System settings' in Squash TM's Administration.
To make it visible, you must set the following property to true in the configuration file:
stack.trace.control.panel.visible = true
Logins and passwords entered for connection to third party tools by users are encrypted in Squash TM database with an encryption key that can be modified with the following property in the Squash TM configuration file:
squash.crypto.secret = *******
The application is delivered with a default encryption key for practical reasons, it is strongly recommended changing it. If the encryption key is changed, the credentials stored before the change are unusable with that new key. They will have to be entered again to take into account the new encryption.
Xsquash4Jira plugin has two properties configurable directly in the Squash TM configuration file:
The first one sets the delay between two update processes expressed in seconds. If this property is missing or incorrect, the default delay is set to 5 minutes (300 seconds) and a warning occurs in the Squash TM logs when the application starts. Shorter the delay is, more resources the plugin consumes on the Squash TM side to keep the information up to date. For most common uses, a delay between 5 and 15 minutes is more than enough.
squash.external.synchronization.delay = 300
The second one sets the size of the batch to update the information from Jira. The default value is 50, which must be less than or equal to the value jira.search.views.default.max defined in the jira-config.properties property file. The default value, 50, works fine with Jira Server, Datacenter and Cloud, if no configuration changes have been made to the Jira instance.
plugin.synchronization.jira.batchSize = 50
When port 80 is blocked for security reasons, it is necessary to add the following property at the end of the configuration file so that internal redirections are systematically done via port 443 :