Export Campaign Data
Squash TM enables you to export campaign data in .csv format by clicking on the button . There are three different campaign exports:
The light campaign export Contains data of the campaign, iteration, suite, test cases and execution. By default, the file name is: "EXPORT_CPG_L_<campaign_reference>_<date>_<time>" in the format DDMMYYYY and HHMMSS.
The standard campaign export Besides that, also contains the execution percentage, the test case's description and its prerequisite. By default, the file name is: "EXPORT_CPG_S_<campaign_reference>_<date>_<time>" in the format DDMMYYYY and HHMMSS.
The full campaign export Contains data of the campaign, iteration, suite, test cases. Also contain execution details for every test step. By default, the file name is: "EXPORT_CPG_F_<campaign_reference>_<date>_<time>" in the format DDMMYYYY and HHMMSS.
These campaign exports in .csv format can be used as input data for reports.
Columns detail contained in every export:
Exported columns | Description | Light | Standard | Full |
CPG_SCHEDULED_START_ON | Campaign scheduled start date | X | X | X |
CPG_SCHEDULED_END_ON | Campaign scheduled end date | X | X | X |
CPG_ACTUAL_START_ON | Campaign actual start date | X | X | X |
CPG_ACTUAL_END_ON | Campaign actual end date | X | X | X |
IT_ID | Iteration ID | X | X | |
IT_NUM | Iteration number | X | X* | X |
IT_NAME | Iteration name | X | X* | X |
IT_MILESTONE | Name of the milestone linked to the campaign containing the iteration | X | X | X |
IT_SCHEDULED_START_ON | Iteration scheduled start date | X | X | X |
IT_SCHEDULED_END_ON | Iteration scheduled end date | X | X | X |
IT_ACTUAL_START_ON | Iteration actual start date | X | X | X |
IT_ACTUAL_END_ON | Iteration actual end date | X | X | X |
TC_ID | Test case ID | X | X | |
TC_NAME | Test case name | X | X** | X |
TC_PROJECT_ID | Project ID | X | X | |
TC_PROJECT | Project name | X | X | X |
TC_MILESTONE | Milestone(s) linked to the test case | X | X | X |
TC_WEIGHT | Test case weight | X | X | X |
TEST_SUITE | Name of the test suites where the test case is linked | X | X | X |
#_EXECUTIONS | Execution number | X | X | X |
#_REQUIREMENTS | Number of linked requirements | X | X | X |
#_ISSUES | Number of linked issues | X | X | X |
DATASET | Dataset name | X | X | X |
EXEC_STATUS | ITPI execution status | X | X | X |
EXEC_SUCCESS_RATE | Execution of test steps in success rate | X | ||
EXEC_USER | Login of the user who executed the test case | X | X | X |
EXEC_DATE | Execution date | X | X | X |
DESCRIPTION | Test case description | X | ||
TC_REF | Test case reference | X | X | X |
TC_NATURE | Test case order nature | X | X | X |
TC_TYPE | Test case type | X | X | X |
TC_STATUS | Test case progress status | X | X | X |
PREREQUISITE | Test case prerequisite | X | ||
STEP_ID | Test step ID | X | ||
STEP_NUM | Test step number | X | ||
STEP_#_REQ | Number of requirements linked to the test step | X | ||
EXEC_STEP_STATUS | Test step execution status | X | ||
EXEC_STEP_DATE | Test step execution date | X | ||
EXEC_STEP_USER | Login of the user who executed the step | X | ||
EXEC_STEP_#_ISSUES | Number of issues linked to the step | X | ||
EXEC_STEP_COMMENT | Comment linked to the execution step | X | ||
CPG_CUF_<CUF_code> | Custom field(s) linked to the campaign | X | X | X |
IT_CUF_<CUF_code> | Custom field(s) linked to the iteration | X | X | X |
TC_CUF_<CUF_code> | Custom field(s) linked to the test case | X | X | X |
EXEC_CUF_<CUF_code> | Custom field(s) linked to the execution | X | X | |
STEP_CUF_<CUF_code> | Custom field(s) linked to the step | X |
X* : In the Standard export, the number and name of the iterations are regrouped in a column called ITERATION.
X** : In the Standard export, the column in which you can find the test case's description is called TEST_CASE.
Learn More
You can also create custom campaign reports with the data you want. To learn more, please visit the page Custom Campaign Exports.