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Manage Milestones

Milestones enable you to version the test repository of one or multiple projects and filter library items (requirements, test cases, campaigns) in libraries.

Add, modify, and delete Milestones

You can manage milestones from the Administration workspace via the Milestones submenu. From the Milestones table, you can add Add or delete Delete one or multiple milestones.

Admin Milestones Page

By clicking on a milestone name or its ID, you can display its consultation page and thus modify the milestone.

Admin milestone consultation page

From a milestone's consultation page, you can:

  • modify the milestone's name and description;
  • modify its due date;
  • change its status;
  • choose between global and restricted range;
  • associate projects with the milestone;
  • delete it.

Learn More

To learn more about a milestone's attributes, please visit the page Milestones in Squash TM.


When you delete a milestone, all the projects and objects it was associated with will be dissociated from it.

Milestone associated rights

Each milestone has a range. This range is defined by the profile of the user who created the milestone:

  • Milestones created by a Project Leader can only be associated with projects for which that Project Leader has rights;
  • Milestones created by an Administrator have a global range by default. Thus, they can be used for all projects.

Admin Milestone range

Learn More

A milestone's range has consequences on its duplication and synchronization.
To learn more, please visit the page Duplicate and synchronize a milestone.

Associate a Milestone to a Project

From a milestone's consultation page, you can associate one or multiple projects to the milestone by clicking on the button Add on top of the Projects block.

The Associate projects pop-up contains a list of projects, each preceded by a checkbox.

Admin Associate pop-up

Milestone status

A milestone's life cycle has four statuses: "Planned", "In Progress", "Finished", and "Locked".

Each of them confers different rights when it comes to:

  • associating a milestone to a project or object;
  • creating/deleting/modifying the objects associated with the milestone.

The table hereunder lists the possible actions for each of these four statuses:

Status Associate a milestone with/Dissociate from a project Associate a milestone with/Dissociate from an object Can create objects Can modify objects
Planned yes no no no
In progress yes yes yes yes
Finished yes yes yes yes
Locked no no no no


You can neither modify nor delete an object associated with a milestone with a "Locked" status. In the case of a campaign associated with a "Locked" milestone, all the items it contains, such as its iterations, test suites, and executions can neither be modified nor deleted.