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Xsquash4GitLab Plugin Release Notes


Released on June 14, 2024
Compatible with Squash TM 7.X


  • Display the banner on Xsquash4GitLab Execution Plan Designer pages


  • Time displayed for "Synchronized on" and "Synchronized successfully on" does not take the browser timezone into account
  • Reporting on testing progress in GitLab does not work if there are previous synchronizations in failure
  • The synchonization icon is missing on synchronized folders corresponding to GitLab milestones or iterations
  • Synchronized folders corresponding to GitLab milestones or iterations that are moved manually are recreated


Released on February 5, 2024
Compatible with Squash TM 6.1


  • Compatibility with Squash TM 6.1


Released on December 19, 2023
Compatible with Squash TM 6.0.X


  • Compatibility with Squash TM 6.0.X


  • Increase the timeout value for Graphql requests
  • It should be possible to choose several milestones in the Milestone filter with "Not Equals" operator
  • The iteration filter makes the same value appear several times
  • Missing translations on configuration page


Released on Octobe 10, 2023
Compatible with Squash TM 5.1


  • 9076 Date problem during issue synchronisation when another timezone then UTC is used


RReleased on October 5, 2023
Compatible with Squash TM 5.1


  • Choose multiple operators when adding a filter to a synchronization
  • Retrieve ascendant labels when synchronizing a GitLab group
  • Retrieve ascendant milestones when synchronizing a GitLab group
  • Retrieve ascendant iterations when synchronizing a GitLab group
  • Optimize "at least one" query in Xsquash4GitLab synchronization filters
  • Uncheck acceptance reporting in GitLab by default
  • Gray out the "Simulate" button until the simulation is complete


  • 9158 Status mapping not taken into account after issue modification
  • 9194 Board synchronization is KO if graphql query complexity > 250
  • The iteration filter makes the same value appear several times
  • Milestone filter, "Not Equals" operator, you should be able to choose several milestones


Released on March 7, 2023
Compatible with Squash TM 5.X


  • Wizard for creating execution plans from a scope of GitLab issues
  • Add a synchronization filter on the GitLab issue type
  • Add a button to copy the webhook token
  • Improve the validation of YAML configurations


  • Impossible to delete a filter value if it has been deleted on GitLab
  • Duplication of label values in the filter list
  • Folder creation fails if the project name contains a slash
  • The presence of an icon in a GitLab label blocks Xsquash4GitLab synchronizations
  • Board with scoped iteration synchronized does not retrieve the right issues


Released on December 02 2022
Compatible with Squash TM 4.1


  • Add webhooks in GitLab to synchronize Xsquash4Gitlab synchronizations in real time
  • Add a filter on the type of GitLab tickets in the synchronization configuration


Released on October 12 2022
Compatible with Squash TM 4.X


  • 8981 Be compatible with a GitLab selfthosted community to make synchronizations


  • For the milestone filter, the 'Equal' operator should be called 'At least one'.


Released on July 28, 2022
Compatible with Squash TM 4.X


The Xsquash4GitLab plugin is compatible with and GitLab EE Self-Managed. But, it is not compatible with GitLab CE Self-Managed.


  • Synchronize GitLab issues as requirements
  • Display coverage and testing indicators in GitLab issues