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Cross-Project Library Features

Creating an Object

Select an item (project, folder, object) in a workspace's library. Hover on the [Add] button Add. The list of all the objects you can add appears. You can then add a folder (available in all workspaces), or add objects specifics to the current workspace. Depending on the item selected, some items of the list can be grayed out.

Add an object

Click on an option of the list. A create pop-up window opens. In that window, enter at least a value in the Name field to be able to create the object. If there are any required customized fields that are linked to the object, they also appear. Complete them to create the object.

This create pop-up allows you to add an array of objects. It resets every time you click on the [Add another] button, which allows you to quickly add objects. Every time you add an object, the library updates itself automatically. The object then appears at the root of the selected item.

In the Reporting workspace, clicking on some create options gives you access to a setup page:

  • by clicking Add a chart, the Create a chart page to select attributes;
  • by clicking Add a report, the Report selection page to select a report;
  • by clicking Add a custom export, the Select the attributes page to select attributes.

Once you have selected the attributes or the report, you can add the object you have created. You can then access the object from the Reporting workspace, at the root of the selected item.

Deleting an Object

You can access the [Delete] button both in the library and in some tables.

When one or multiple items are selected, in a continuous or discontinuous way, the [Delete] button is active. When the selected item cannot be deleted, the button is grayed out (for example a project or requirement which status does not allow you to delete it). It is also possible to delete the selected item by using the keyboard shortcut Delete.

In the library, deleting an object or a folder deletes everything it contains. For example, deleting a test case folder deletes all the test cases it contains, and deleting a campaign deletes all its iterations and the executions they contain.
This rule does not apply when deleting a parent requirement. If a parent requirement is deleted, the child requirements it contains will appear at the deleted parent requirement's previous location.


Anything you delete is permanently lost and there is no way to recover what you have deleted. Generally speaking, we recommend to be careful about the profiles and clearances you grant users. We also recommend to regularly save the portfolio (export and/or save the database) in order to be able to partially or completely recover what have been deleted.
It is recommended to create a "Trash" folder per project and per space to move any items to be deleted before a final deletion.

Delete an object

Copy/Pasting an Object

When one or multiple items are selected, in a continuous or discontinuous way, the [Copy selected items] button Copy selection is active. When the selected item cannot be copied (for example a project), the button is grayed out. You can also copy a selected item by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.


When the items have been copied, you must select a destination directory to activate the [Paste] button Paste:

  • You can copy items within the same project or in another project;
  • If two projects have the same setup, the elements attributes remain unchanged;
  • If two projects have different setups, default values of the fields or customized lists are attributed to the pasted items;
  • The copied items are kept in memory and can be pasted in different locations within the tree;
  • When the selected item cannot be copy-pasted in the target item, the button is grayed out. For example, a folder cannot be copy-pasted in a requirement; a test case cannot be copy-pasted in another test case or in another iteration within the project.

You can also copy-paste a selected item by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V.



When copy-pasting an object of the Campaign workspace, executions present in the execution plans will not be kept.

Moving an Object

You can move a selection of items within the same project or to another project. To do this: 1. Select one or multiple items, in a continuous or discontinuous way by using the Shift+click or Ctrl+click keys; 2. Drag and drop the selected items in the location marked by a visual indicator.

When you move an object from one project to another:

  • If the two projects have different setups, every field's value is kept as it was before except for customized fields, customized lists, and milestones;
  • If the two projects have the same setups, their values are also kept as they were before for customized fields, customized lists, and milestones;
  • Every link to the object is kept: links between two requirements, links between a requirement and a test case, test case call, etc.;
  • When the selected item contains an item that cannot be moved, a target location cannot be seen.

Target directory


When the library is in sequential order, the target position of the moved items becomes their permanent position.

Setting the library display

Collapse library

The [Settings] Settings button allows the user to collapse the entire tree structure of the workspace currently being viewed.

Organizing the library

The [Settings] button Icon Settings allows you to choose the objects' display order in the Requirements, Test Cases, and Campaigns workspaces' libraries. This order is specific to each workspace and to each user.

The alphabetical order displays the objects in alphabetical order according to their reference (when it exists), and then their name.

Aphabetical order

The positional order allows you to define the order in which the objects are displayed. For this, you can organize the objects according to each other in the library by using the drag and drop function.

Positional order

Displaying the truncated names in the library

The [Settings] button Icon Settings also allows you to choose which part of the object's name are truncated if they do not have enough space to be fully displayed in the library.

By default, and in most cases, the right part of the names is truncated, the end is not displayed.
However, when the repository contains several objects that have names that only differs with the last characters, it can be useful to truncate the beginning of the names, to the left, to easily distinguish them.

Shorten names that are too long to the right Shorten names that are too long to the left

Importing/Exporting an Object

In the Requirements, Test cases, and Campaigns workspaces, when hovering the [Import/Export] Import/Export button, there is a sub-menu from which you can access the import-export functionalities.

Importing an Object

The import function allows you to mass import a tree of items in the Requirements or Test cases workspaces. It is also possible to import items from a same file into different Squash projects.


To import a tree of requirements or test cases in Excel format:

  1. Click on Import;
  2. In the Import pop-up, download the import template;
  3. Complete the import file;
  4. Choose the import folder from the pop-up;
  5. Simulate the import. This step allows you to verify that the import file is fitting;
  6. Import the file;
  7. Once the file is imported, the tree is updated.


At the end of the simulation and/or the import, a report appears and shows:

  • the rows successfully treated: no error was encountered, the objects are imported as they are in the file;
  • the rows treated but with a warning: the objects were imported, but some items can be missing or may have been modified;
  • the failed rows: the objects were not imported due to an incomplete or incorrect entry in the import file;
  • a downloadable assessment that details the errors found.


You can also import test cases in a Zip format:

  • The same procedure as for the Excel format applies;
  • For this format, you must select a destination project.

Learn More

To complete an import file, consult these two pages: Completing a requirements import file and Completing a test case import file


The import of campaigns, iterations or suites is not available.


The export function allows you to mass export items from the Requirements and Test cases workspaces. It works when you select one or multiple items, in a continuous or a discontinuous way, from one or several projects.

To export a requirements tree or test cases in Excel format:

  1. Select items in the tree (projects, folders, or objects);
  2. Click on the Export option;
  3. In the pop-up window, choose the export format. The XLS format matches the requirements for an import whereas the CSV matches the ones for data mining;
  4. Name the exported file;
  5. Choose the exporting options. The "Keep the intended format for rich texts" option allows you to keep the HTML tags for rich text fields (e.g. the "Description" text field) and thus keep their formatting for a future import;
  6. Click on Export to download the document.

Export in the Campaigns workspace works differently. It works only if one single campaign is selected and it is declined under three forms: simple, standard, or full.

To export a campaign in Excel format:

  1. Select a campaign;
  2. Hover on the export button icone-export-campagne;
  3. Choose one of the three available export formats;
  4. The file is directly downloaded in a CSV format on your computer.

Learn more

For more details on campaigns exports, consult the Exporting a campaign's data page.

Generating a Dashboard

On a workspace's library, you can see a default dashboard when you select a project, a folder, or multiple items. Default dashboards have a selection of graphs that mark the progress in terms of redaction, coverage, and validation.

When you hover on one part, a tooltip shows you the part's criteria, its number of items, and the percentage it represents in comparison with the total number of items selected.

Hover a chart part

Clicking on a part leads you to the search results related to that part's criteria. The perimeter corresponds to the items selected and the criteria specific to the graph and the part are pre-selected.

Search results clicking chart part

You can now refine your search and use all search features.