Squash TM 6.X Release Notes
Squash TM 6.1.1
Released on June 26, 2024
- Autocompletion does not work in the issue reporting form
Performance / Technical:
- #148 Error when executing automated tests suites
Squash TM 6.1.0
Released on May 2, 2024
- Display of additional columns in the search results of execution plan items
- Preview the contents of a
- Preview the contents of a
Redmine Bugtracker:
- Support for token authentication protocol between Squash and Redmine
Redmine Requirements:
- Support for token authentication protocol between Squash and Redmine
- #96 Switch logs from 'info' to 'debug' for authentication plugins
- Images added on a level 2 page are not converted to attachments
- Images added on the Requirement Version Management page are not converted to attachments
- Sorting on hidden columns is always taken into account in the search
Test case:
- Wrong value in 'TC_KIND' column when exporting an exploratory test case
- Images added on a level 2 page are not converted to attachments
- Sorting on hidden columns is always taken into account in the search
- Unable to download or preview attachments on an exploratory session for a non-administrator user
- #89 Non-administrator user cannot view attachments from an automated suite when result publisher was in light mode
- #82 Error when duplicating an entity if it contains outsourced attachments
Action words library:
- Improved performance of BDD test case action autocompletion
- Unable to download or preview attachments on an action project for a non-administrator user
Requirements and test cases Reports (Editable)
- If the plugin is not installed, the translation key is displayed in the "Template" field.
Redmine Bugtracker:
- #92 Unable to declare an issue on Redmine 5.1.1
- #72 Upgrade PostgreSQL maven dependency - CVE-2024-1597
Squash TM 6.0.1
Release on February 22, 2024
Test Cases:
- Performance issue when exporting a large number of test cases
- Improved performance for displaying execution history
- A non-administrator user cannot view and download execution step attachments
- The icon indicating that the test case is already associated with an execution plan has disappeared.
- #54 Improved performance for displaying execution plan
- Impossible for a user to consult the dashboard for a single project
- #30 Unable to display or create a new custom export
- No Allure report when running multiple tests in an automated suite
- #24 Performance problems on the Automation workspace
- #41 When returning a result without attachments, an error occurs and the status of the automated suite is locked at "running".
- #57 A non-administrator user cannot see the attachments of an automated suite.
- Rendering of an image pasted into a rich text field is broken in http when the object does not yet exist
- postgresql-upgrade-to-6.0.0.sql too long with a large number of test case parameters
Squash TM 6.0.0
Released on December 19, 2023
- Differentiation of requirements without description but associated with test cases in the requirement library
- Distinction between regular standard requirements and high-level requirements in search results
- Addition of tooltips on the default dashboard of the requirement workspace
Test Cases:
- Distinction of test cases without test steps but associated with requirements in the test case library
- Creation and management of exploratory test cases and definition of the test charter
- Planning and management of exploratory test sessions
- Execution of exploratory test sessions
- Review and exploitation of exploratory test sessions
- Display of dashboards in the campaign workspace for a project
- Display of dashboards in the campaign workspace for multi-selection in the library
- Addition of an option to consider only the last execution of each test case - dataset pair in the campaign workspace dashboards
- Addition of an option to consider only the last execution of each test case - dataset pair in the search criteria of the campaign workspace
- Addition of tooltips on the default dashboard of the campaign workspace
- Default check of "Auto" for the actual start and end dates of a campaign/iteration
- Focus on the Key field and press the [Enter] key to link an existing issue to an execution
- Addition of a search bar in the assignment list for one or more ITPI
- Display of the status of the last five executions in the execution plans
- Download editable reports with a custom template
- Addition of datasets in the "Execution Progress" report
- Display of issues linked to Azure DevOps, Bugzilla, and Mantis bugtrackers in campaign and iteration reports
- Display of the scope of a report on its consultation page when the selection is a node in the library
- Real-time reporting of automated test execution results launched with a Squash Orchestrator server
- Reporting of execution statuses for each automated test launched with a Squash Orchestrator server regardless of the license
- Removal of light reporting of automated test results
- Addition of reports in the details window of automated suite executions
- Distinction between automated suites launched from an iteration or a test suite
- Display of datasets in the overview pop-up of automated test executions
- Display of workflow-related information in the overview pop-up of automated test executions
- Additional configuration for Squash Orchestrator servers
- Improvement of error and information messages when configuring a Squash Orchestrator server
- Display of the Squash Orchestrator version on the consultation page of a Squash Orchestrator server
- Modification of the layout of the consultation page of a Squash Orchestrator server
- Supervision of GitLab and Jira synchronizations
- Management of custom templates used for editable reports
- Display of the list of projects associated with a template
- Display of the list of projects and entities associated with a custom field
- Sorting of bugtrackers to be associated with the project in alphabetical order
- Addition of chain authorizations to a project, user, or team
- Addition of chain custom fields to a project
- Clarification of the "Squash TM Credentials" fields on the page of a bugtracker or synchronization server
- Adaptation of authentication fields to the type of server on the page of a bugtracker or synchronization server
- Addition of a column to indicate the servers used for synchronization
- Entering user logins with up to 100 characters
Cross-Functional / Ergonomics:
- Configuration of columns displayed in the search results of requirements, test cases, and execution plan items per user
- Display of additional columns in the search results of requirements and test cases
- Configuration of columns displayed in the execution plans of campaign, iteration, and test suite per user
- Configuration of columns displayed in the "Automated Suites" tables
- Addition of filters on the columns of the "Automated Suites" tables
- Visualization of attachments in the Squash interface
- Paste images into rich text fields with automatic addition as attachments
- Opening of rich text fields to the size of the existing text when editing
- Resizing images in rich text fields
- Display and export of up to 1000 items in search result tables
- Persistence of column resizing in tables
- Persistence of "collapse all"/"expand all" of test steps from one test case to another
- Copy and paste support when changing tabs
- Modification of status, criticality, and importance from the capsule
- Prevent moving the header of a pop-up beyond the window in which it appears
- Addition of a search field for drop-down list type fields
- Addition of an option to collapse all projects in the library of a workspace
- Manual widening of association panels
- Unlocking of mapping with the "criticality" field
- Display of a message to force synchronizations if mappings have been modified
- Display of a message to force synchronizations if mappings have been modified
- Connection to Squash TM via OpenID Connect (new plugin)
- Get issues associated with Squash entities
- Get exploratory test cases
- Get exploratory test sessions
- Get exploratory test executions
- Get notes from exploratory test sessions
- Get environment variables from an automated execution
- Various improvements to documentation
REST API Administration:
- Get, add, patch, and delete environment variables
- Add and delete links between an environment variable and a Squash Orchestrator execution server or a project
- Set default values for environment variables on Squash Orchestrator execution servers and on projects
- Various improvements to documentation
- Issue with successive pasting of a requirement
- Copy/paste of a requirement with a locked milestone within a project does not keep the milestone
- Default inversion of roles 1 and 2 when linking requirements
- The known issues table of a high level requirement does not show the issues of the linked standard requirements
- 9181 Performance issue while deleting requirements
Test Cases:
- Error when modifying a BDD test case with test steps by import
- No warning pop-up when attempting to add a requirement already linked to the Test Step
- Copy/paste of a test case with a locked milestone within a project does not keep the milestone
- Adding test steps via [Add Another] inserts a NULL in empty fields
- Unable to use "modified by" or "created by" search criteria
- Parameter order is not kept when copy/pasting a test case
- The "Parameters and Datasets" anchor on the test case details (lvl 2) does not show the number of datasets
- Error message appears twice when entering a parameter containing invalid characters
- Display problem when modifying an action of a BDD test case
- Improper management of angle bracket in free values
- Missing percentage in the tooltip of the "Executed Tests" curve in the "Cumulative Progress of the Campaign/Iteration" chart in the default dashboard of a campaign or iteration
- An unassigned tester can modify the execution status of a test case
- The widget for assigning a user to an ITPI disappears from the screen
- Cannot delete not executed test cases from an execution plan when selected with executed test cases
- Modify the 'Associate all' tooltip on the search pages
- Change the button's option and the page's title of the Search for associated requirements feature
- Colors, alignment, size and police formatting does not show on the description field on an execution consultation page
- 9133 Error interpreting double quotes and semicolons in fields in campaign export
- Double scroll bar in assignment list if more than 20 users
- Multiple ITPIs selection removed after cancelled attempt to delete
- The button to launch an execution from the itp search must not be accessible when the campaign is linked to a locked milestone
- BDD test execution always uses English for keywords
- In the issues export file, columns with apostrophes and quotes in the label are shifted
- For reports, the downloaded document name is incorrect if it is in a format other than
- It is visually possible to select two campaigns or two iterations for campaign and iteration reports
- The mention of the milestone name in the execution progress report is absent
- Impossible to have a qualitative and execution progress report with a selection by milestone
- Inconsistent results between ratios and rates in the "Requirements Coverage" report
- 9153 The display of the information page for a custom export is slowed down (depending on certain conditions)
- #5 Impossible to use the filter Number of issues equal 0 in charts
- The order of charts in dashboards changes in reduced mode
- For reports, the downloaded document name is incorrect if it is in a format other than
- Environment tags 'cucumber' and 'cucumber5' are not assimilated to technology tags 'Cucumber 4' and 'Cucumber 5+'
- Automated Suite execution table displays incorrect data in particular cases
- We cannot delete an already deleted automated test case which contain an environment variable from an iteration
- Some minor problems with labels related to Squash Orchestrator
- Improper backslash management in generated Cucumber test from a BDD test case
- When the generated automated test reference is too long, Squash truncates it
- The overview pop-up of automated test executions takes several seconds to open after instance startup
- Unable to delete an incorrect token on the automation server of project consultation page
- Impossible to create a custom list with an H2 database
- The list of servers to configure Redmine Requirements is not sorted alphabetically
- No error message when entering an invalid URL for a bugtracker or synchronization server
- 'squash' is always displayed in Redirect URL from OAuth2 authentication protocol form
- The bugtracker project name should be retained when navigating between anchor groups
- Presence of a non-functional Back button on a level 2 page opened in a new tab from the search
- Infinite loop when successively duplicating the same folder
- Deletion of the search criterion value on click in the criteria drop-down menu
- / in element paths are automatically escaped
- Some truncated elements in multi-value filters do not display tooltips on hover
- Wrong order in workspaces for libraries when positional order is selected
- When all rows are removed from the last page of a grid, the displayed page is empty
- A user having an account to a Squash TM instance can access all attachments
- 9166 If a very large image is added to the description of a folder, the fields label disappear
- Some German translations were in an unused branch of the json file and could not be displayed
- A ";" in the name of an export file generates a file without extension
- New Plugin: OpenID Connect
- New version for all plugins: compatibility with Squash TM 6.0 and fixes