Report Templates
Customization of report templates is available with Squash Ultimate license and Squash TM Premium plugin.
To add custom templates, a write access to the repository where the templates are stored on the server hosting Squash is needed. By default, this is the conf
Managing custom templates
The Report templates anchor allows to manage custom templates for editable reports. These templates can then be selected during report creation from the Reporting workspace.
The reports concerned are:
- Requirement Editable Report;
- Test Case Editable Report;
- Campaign Report;
- Iteration Report.
Each block corresponds to a report and contains a list of templates currently available.
From each block, it is possible to:
- add a template ;
- delete a template ;
- download a template .
Templates must be in .docx
When a template used in the Reporting workspace is going to be delete, the administrator is warned, but if the template is still deleted, the default template is used when the report is generated.
When an existing template is added, the administrator is warned that it will be overwritten by the new template. This makes it possible to manage modifications to templates without losing the link with reports in the Reporting workspace.
Template customization
It is strongly recommended to test customized templates on a validation environment before using it in Squash production application.
The content of customized templates is the responsibility of users and does not fall within the scope of Squash Support if there is an error when generating or opening the report.
Template customization can be used to:
- create reports with the logo or graphic charter of the company;
- change the order of report sections;
- modify the content of report sections.
Altering the order or content of report sections may lead to errors when the report is generated or opened.
To minimize the risk of error, it is recommended to follow the steps below to make a custom template available:
- Download the default report template;
- Modify the template;
- Add the custom template from this page;
- Check the integrity of the custom template by going to the Reporting workspace, then generate a report with this template and open it.
It is recommanded to name templates in a clear, precise and unambiguous way, so that the user knows which template it is. On report creation page, the user is presented with a list of all the templates in the instance, identified by the name of the corresponding file.
Upgrading Squash
During a version upgrade, changes may be made to the default templates. This may affect customized templates and lead to errors when generating reports with these templates.
To anticipate such changes, it is recommended to:
- consult the release notes of the reports concerned each time a new version of Squash is released;
- download the default Squash template in the new version;
- report modifications to custom templates.